How to Wear and Remove Contact Lenses

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How to Wear Contact Lenses

Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before applying your contact lenses, but avoid scented or oily soaps that might adhere to the lens surface. Especially avoid using products containing lanolin and moisturizing lotions.

 How to remove Contact Lenses

  • Gently shake your lens case containing the storage solution, to loosen the contact lens should it be stuck. (Don’t try pulling at the lens with your finger, or you might damage it.)
  • Slide the lens out of its case and into the palm of your hand. Rinse thoroughly with the appropriate contact lens solution.
  • Place the contact lens on the tip of your index or middle finger, which should be dry or mostly dry.
  • With the fingers and thumb of your other hand, simultaneously pull up on your upper eyelid and down on your lower eyelid.
  • Position the lens on your eye while looking upward or forward, whichever you find to be easier. You also can apply the contact lens by placing it on the white of the eye closest to your ear.
  • Gently close your eye, roll your eyes in a complete circle to help the lens settle, and then blink.
  • Look closely in the mirror to make sure the lens is centered on your eye. If it is, the lens should be comfortable and your vision should be clear.

How to Remove Contact Lenses

  • Look up and pull down your lower eyelid with your middle finger. To take out contact lenses, slide the lens down to the white of your eye.
  • Using your index finger, slide the lens down to the white of your eye.
  • Pinch your contact lens between your fingers totake it out from your eye. Pinch the lens between your fingers and remove it from your eye. Store your contact lenses in a case with clean solution.
  • Fill the empty lens case with solution.
    To clean lenses, wet each side with contact solution.
    Wet each side of the lens with the solution. Rubbing your contacts with solution helps remove debris.
  • Rub each lens for 20 seconds with your finger. Rinsing contact lenses helps clean them before storage.
  • Rinse each side of the lens for 10 seconds with a steady stream of the solution. Tighten the lid on your contact lens case for storing.
  • Place lenses in case, tighten lids and wait overnight or at least six hours.How to remove Contact Lenses

    How To Apply Contact Lenses

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