We are excited to announce that discountdukan.com is rebranding
Why we are changing. We aren’t making our deals, discounts and coupons better, we’re making them excellent.
The past couple of months have been busy at discountdukan.com! We have been making changes to improve the safety and enhance “Deals, Offers and Coupons”. All of this work has been done in an effort to provide an enhanced experience for shopaholic’s like each one of us.
We have already designed a new logo for DiscountJugaad.in. You can say goodbye to the flat “d” looking logo that I created for us. It worked for a long time and we’re sad to see it go … but we’re even more excited to bring in the new. Change is good, and necessary.
The new DiscountJugaad.in logo represents change, growth, and a brighter tomorrow. The iconic ‘D for Deals and Discount’ and new word “jugaad” brandmark uses a simple and elegant aesthetic that will remain bold for a long time and be instantly recognizable.
We have already begun the process of switching out the old with the new … we expect to be fully transitioned in a few months. We are available at both old (discountdukan.com) and new (DiscountJugaad.in) for our users.
Let us know what you think … we’re pretty happy with it and hope you are too.
Of course, and as always, if you have any questions, comments, or just want to chat, let us know … we’ll keep you updated as we get closer to the final transition.
Thank you.
Team, DiscountJugaad.in